Buwe and Eden, Partnerships with Purpose

By July 18, 2017Stories

I don’t believe that being in rural Zimbabwe hinders us in having an impact in the world, I think it helps us.  In a rural setting like Doma we learn to rely on each other and give and take as needed.  We aren’t distracted by the busyness of urban life and can focus our time and energy on learning, teaching and helping one another.  Our employees and apprentices are going to be strong individuals who want to make their country a better place and will have a solid foundation to work from.

Our plan is to return to Eden Children’s Village to establish Buwe Innovative Solutions.  Using the business as a means to have an impact on people in Doma will make an impact on the region and beyond.  Individuals will leave Doma after gaining experience, knowledge and hopefully wisdom and make a living by utilising what they learned and will work to make their country a better place for themselves, their children and future generations.  It is my goal to return to Eden and through Buwe, build more orphan homes so that more children will have safe homes to be loved and cared for.

As Eden grows as an organisation it is my hope that it will branch out into other areas in the country and into other countries as well.  It is my hope that what has been learned by the leadership over almost two decades will be transferred to leaders in the indigenous community who will take leadership at Eden and continue the work.  I believe future Eden sites will all look somewhat different to the original, but will have the same values and characteristics.  It is my goal to help that happen with my pioneering spirit and desire to live and serve in Africa.  Just as individuals who leave Doma will have influence and make an impact in their communities, I believe that Eden can do the same thing in the greater community of Africa.

Jeff Way

Author Jeff Way

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